I just wanna be a sheep, bah-bah-bah-bah…



Psalm 23: 1 The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not want.

Psalm 23 is among the most popular passages of scripture in the entire bible. As I read the psalm this morning, though the entire psalm was appointed for today, it was this verse that stood out for me. This verse calls to me, inviting me to reflect more deeply upon it.

When the psalmist writes, “I shall not want” he means that he lacks for nothing. There is a sense of contentment present in the heart of the psalmist that intrigues me, probably because it is so rare in my world. I wonder, what would it be like to truly be without want? To be completely satisfied?

I suppose it would mean that I would be at peace with whatever material things I have. Or don’t have. I wouldn’t feel the need for anything more, bigger, better, newer. I would be at rest trusting that God has already made available to me whatever is required – and perhaps more than what is required, for God does love to spoil his children from time to time.

And in this state of being content I would be free to pursue people more than things. Love, fellowship, family, friendship would be high on my daily list of priorities rather than something to be enjoyed “if I have time”.

It would mean the end of ambition and striving, with the possible exception of pursuing intimacy with God. I would no longer feel the need to climb to the next rung on the ladder of achievement, of recognition, of accomplishment. I would no longer feel the need to compare myself to others as a means of validation because my God has already validated me beyond measure by calling me his own.

It would mean that I could stop chasing and pursuing a future that I expect to be better than the now. I would be free to be truly “present” in the present moment. I would probably look at my watch much less than I do now. I would be free to take my time when I want to, or when I sense that extra time is required.

And why would I be free of “want” in these and other ways? Because the Lord is my Shepherd.

With the Lord as my Shepherd I can have a quiet confidence. Whatever comes my way, good or bad, God has my back. The creator of heaven and earth is beside me AT ALL TIMES. He never leaves me. There is no where I can go that my God, the Shepherd, does not go with me. I have NOTHING TO FEAR.

And because I know I am completely cared for, provided for, I can be a generous person. I am free to give, and give some more, for I cannot out-give my Shepherd. I am free to love, not only those who are dear to me, but those whom I have never even met In fact, because the mercy and grace of my Shepherd abound, I am free to love people who are among those considered unlovable. I am free to love my enemy and pray for those who persecute me, out of the overflow of the abundant love my Shepherd has first given to me…

As I write these words, tears well up in my eyes. There is a deep longing inside of me for this kind of existence. Yet, the truth? I am not there yet. But I want to be…

Heavenly Father, today we declare in Jesus’ name that you are our Shepherd. Our human nature is to live as if we have no shepherd, or as if we can be our own shepherd. Give us grace to fully surrender to you, into your care, into your provision, so that we can finally live as you created us to live. We cannot do it in our own strength, or by our own will. But we can do all things through Christ who strengthens us. Amen.

2 thoughts on “I just wanna be a sheep, bah-bah-bah-bah…

  1. John B.

    We have some alphabet blocks that spell “Happy Easter” One day recently, obviously having too much time on my hands, I discovered that the letters can be rearranged to spell “a sheep party” — Easter, party time for the Lord’s sheep. Coincidence? I think so.

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